Nantucket and Cape Cod

Nantucket and Cape Cod

Spending time on Cape Cod is a very New England-y kind of thing to do, so since I was in the area I decided to give it a go.  I think I’ve been to the Cape before, but don’t honestly remember when, so I must have been rather young.  I had great plans to go to the beach, visit Provincetown, and chat to people with funny accents from Boston, but I soon realized that it was just far too popular…

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New England Forest Rally (Alternatively: Mmm… Dust)

New England Forest Rally (Alternatively: Mmm… Dust)

A while ago I volunteered to be a worker at the New England Forest Rally (NEFR) as a way to meet people in the rally scene in the US, and at the same time watch the cars.  So on July 19th I showed up as scheduled in the little town of Newry, Maine, and registered at the Sunday River Ski Resort, home base for the NEFR.  I was placed as a Stage Marshal on Stage Team 2, covering stages 1,…

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Just a Few Lighthouses and Covered Bridges in Maine

Just a Few Lighthouses and Covered Bridges in Maine

I’ve been spending a bit of time in Maine in recent weeks, and have occupied the occasional dull day by going lighthouse and covered bridge hunting.  There are so many of both in Maine, and in New England in general, that what I’ll post here can hardly even be called a sample!  But I spent some pleasant days and got some nice pictures, so I thought I would share them. Maine has a few nice beaches, but for the most…

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It’s a Little Bit Funny…

It’s a Little Bit Funny…

Sometimes I run across odd things along the roads I travel.  They don’t always warrant a post of their own, but I’d like to mention them somewhere, so here are just a few things that I found in North and South Dakota that I found amusing.. The World’s Largest Catfish. The World’s Largest Booming Prairie Chicken. Billboards of North Dakota My personal favorite:

Little House on the Prairie

Little House on the Prairie

When I was in South Dakota I saw signs for the Ingalls Homestead.  I don’t think I’ve ever even watched a full episode of Little House on the Prairie, but it is rather an icon of the American pioneer days, so I decided to stop by and take a look.  It was certainly a lovely location, surrounded by rolling grassy hills.  I understand that at the time the Ingalls family settled here, there were almost no trees at all. I’m…

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