Days Like These

Days Like These

I always knew that there would be days like these.  A couple of days ago I found myself in heavy traffic outside of Cleveland, playing tag with 18 wheelers, and hardly able to keep my eyes open.  It was getting dangerous.  I pulled over at a truck stop and slept in the back for an hour or so, but that didn’t seem to help me much when I got back on the road. The next day was slightly better because…

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The Twins of Twinsburg, OH

The Twins of Twinsburg, OH

After spending a restless night camping on the outskirts of Cleveland, OH, I woke up to find that my feet had unfortunately been uncovered for part of the night, and the mosquitoes had had a feast on them.  Honestly, I look like I have a disease.  This is the only night that they’ve bothered me at all, however, so I suppose I should grateful for that and just be a bit more diligent with the bug repellent.  But I also…

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Niagara Falls, Ontario

Niagara Falls, Ontario

Letchworth Park got me in the mood for waterfalls, so my next stop was the biggest of them all, Niagara Falls.  Actually, I went over the border to the Canadian side for this one, because, to be honest, it’s just better on that side.  The American side still has a lot of things to see and do, but the Canadian side is much prettier, better maintained, and the view is better.  Sorry ‘Murica. Border crossing into Canada used to be kind…

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Letchworth State Park, NY

Letchworth State Park, NY

In the western region of New York State, not far from the city of Rochester, is the Letchworth State Park.  The park is about 17 miles (27 km) long, following a gorge cut into the shale, limestone, and sandstone of the landscape by the Genesee River.  The walls of the gorge are as tall as 550 feet (170 meters) in places, and there are three significant waterfalls within the park, but the interest of the area lies in more than…

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Inertia and Island Hopping

Inertia and Island Hopping

It’s been a while since my last post, so you may have wondered if I vanished into the Adirondacks never to return.  The fact is, I went to my friends’ house intending to stay one or two nights there and ended up staying a week.  In my defence, there’s some kind of Lake Effect that happens whenever I visit there, and I end up never really wanting to leave.  I wrote about my driving tour and my backpacking trip to Hopkins…

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