Barbara’s Cars

Barbara’s Cars

Leaving Redding, CA, I felt that I had had rather enough of volcanos and deserts for the time being, and so headed for the coast.  I followed the Trinity River through a gorgeous winding valley. And even had that most California of experiences, being stopped for clearing of a landslide. As I drove through Weaverville, however, my eye was caught by this Ranchero for sale on the side of the road.  I actually drove past it, but then decided to loop…

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A Greater Crater

A Greater Crater

Having recently visited some active volcanic mountains, it seemed appropriate to next visit Crater Lake National Park.  Native American oral history says that the lake was created about 7,700 years ago when the volcanic Mount Mazama erupted and then collapsed.  Fed only by rain and snow, it’s the deepest lake in the US, and perhaps the most pristine in the world, according to the National Parks Service.  Apparently it’s often under cloud, but it was a crystal clear day when…

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Salem Carousel

Salem Carousel

After my lovely day spent in the Portland gardens, I decided that I needed to stop to do laundry and some organizing and restocking, so spent the day in Salem, Oregon.  Although I didn’t see much while I was there, I did hear about a wonderful carousel on the riverfront, and so went to check it out.  I’m quite a fan of carousels, and although I don’t really go looking for them, I do try to have a ride whenever I…

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Stopping to Smell the Roses

Stopping to Smell the Roses

As you’ll be aware by now, I’m not trying to see and do everything in my travels, or even to see the most popular tourist attractions, but merely to do things that interest me at the time.  When I reached Portland, Oregon, I was in a quieter mood, and just wanted to do something peaceful for the day.  Washington Park in the center of Portland is home to the International Rose Test Garden, and also a lovely Japanese garden, and wandering…

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Beauty and the Blast

Beauty and the Blast

When you think of mountains in Washington state, two iconic ones always come to mind: Mount Rainier and Mount Saint Helens, both volcanos.  I drove through dense and primordial forests to get to Mount Rainier first, and couldn’t help but remember that this is where all the Sasquatch sightings are supposed to take place.  Look at the height and density of the trees lining the road there… I could certainly see how a mystery could lie hidden in these remote mountains. …

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