Seawolf Park, Pelican Island, Galveston, TX

Seawolf Park, Pelican Island, Galveston, TX

Hello!  I’ve been back in Nashville taking a break for a couple of weeks, and I seem to have turned into a sloth and gotten a bit behind on my blogging.  I particularly wanted to post some pictures I took of a submarine and destroyer escort at Seawolf Park on Pelican Island in Galveston, TX.  By now you all know how I love big machinery, and I spent a great afternoon wandering around on these ships there!  I think the pictures…

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Ocean Star Offshore Drilling Rig, Galveston Island, TX

Ocean Star Offshore Drilling Rig, Galveston Island, TX

I decided to have a longer stay near the ocean, so arrived at Galveston Island, Texas in the evening, planning to stay two nights.  I walked down by the ocean in the evening and it was beautiful, just the sound of the ocean as I watched the sun set. In the morning I set out to visit the Ocean Star Offshore Oil Rig, a retired jack up rig that’s been turned into a museum.  On the way there I drove…

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The J.F. Kennedy Memorial, Dallas, TX

The J.F. Kennedy Memorial, Dallas, TX

Although Dallas is a huge thriving city, I actually found very little that interested me from a tourist perspective.  It’s probably more of a business canter than a tourist destination.  I did visit the John F Kennedy Memorial there, however.  In remembrance of his assassination in Dallas on November 22, 1963, a memorial has been constructed at the place he was shot. Considering that Kennedy was one of the best known and liked presidents, I expected something quite grand and…

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The Chickasaw Nation

The Chickasaw Nation

While driving south through Oklahoma toward Texas, I was in need of a break, so pulled into the Chickasaw Nation Welcome Center and rest stop.  I wasn’t looking for much, and wasn’t planning to stay long, but the welcome I received there was wonderful.  I was warmly greeted, given a complimentary cup of coffee, and told where I could find everything, including information about the local area.  There was also a gift shop there with items produced by, or related…

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Oklahoma City Bombing Memorial

Oklahoma City Bombing Memorial

I had a rough plan of making my way south to see what Texas was all about, but I thought I’d swing through Oklahoma first, another state that I had never visited and knew nothing about.  I drove across it for hours to reach Oklahoma City, but have almost no pictures to show for it.  It wasn’t that it wasn’t lovely, it actually was a very nice and peaceful landscape of rolling green hills and farms, as well as smaller…

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