

I keep surprising myself with how epic this journey has turned out to be.  When I started out I wasn’t really convinced that I’d last 3 months, but I’ve now been travelling for over a year (13 months), and driven nearly 50,000 miles (80,467 km).  And when I visited Rhode Island last week I passed another accidental goalpost — I’ve now visited all 48 contiguous United States on this trip!

I call it an accidental goalpost, because I certainly didn’t set out thinking that I would get to every state, it’s just been the way things worked out.  Well, ok, I made a point of going to Rhode Island when I realized it was the only state I hadn’t been to, but that’s all!

For those of you who are wondering:

  • Yes, I’m interviewing for jobs now, and it’s going well.
  • No, I’m strangely NOT tired of travelling, and will keep it up until I settle somewhere.
  • No, there’s no one place that I would call “the best,” although there have definitely been some experiences that stood out.  This real thrill of this journey has been getting up and going to bed with the sun, keeping an open mind and learning as much as possible, and never being on a schedule.
  • Yes, I’m definitely thinking about where else I can drive!!

[If you have any questions you’d like to ask me, feel free to use the comment section below, or use the contact form to send me a message!]


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