Protest Rally Kat
After completing my rally driving course in New Hampshire, I returned to Portland, Maine. If you’ve been following my travels, you may remember that I have friends there, and I was back to visit them, as well as to attend a job interview.
You may also be aware that the new occupant of the White House has been issuing some controversial orders recently. As a woman, a scientist, and someone who has emigrated between countries, I find myself in opposition to much or all of what is being proposed. I’ve never been a protestor, and had never before attended a protest rally, but when the opportunity came up while I was in Portland, I attended gladly.
The gathering was at City Hall, to protest the immigration ban. It started small, but grew quickly.
I wandered my way though the crowd to get a feel for what people were saying and feeling, and was really pleased by the variety of people there and the positive energy the rally was creating.
There were people making speeches in support of blocking the ban, and in general in support of openness and acceptance. The cheers were deafening at times!
There were several slogans chanted to energize the crowd, including “No hate, no fear, Muslims are welcome here!” Everyone was very aware that the immigration ban is really a Muslim ban. The chant eventually became “everyone is welcome here!” and at other times it became “Black lives matter!” and “Muslim lives matter!” While there was an overall feeling of anger and frustration, it was directed at the people in our own country who are promoting anger and discrimination against others. It was really good to know that, in spite of the electoral college results, at least half the people in this country are still open minded and welcoming individuals.
I think I’ll look for more rallies like this to attend, to join my voice with the others who are speaking out against fear-mongering. So there are multiple types of rallies in my future… car and protest.
Of course, one of the main reasons that I was visiting Maine in the first place was to meet this little girl, who made her entry into the world shortly after my last visit in July. I think she likes me… I’ve secretly told her that I’ll teach her to ride a motorcycle and drive a rally car someday… but don’t tell Mommy…
I was tempted to spend a lot of time just sitting around reading too, but every time I got up, these heat-seeking animals claimed my seat, so I wasn’t nearly as lazy as I would have liked to be..