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Month: November 2017

I Come from a Land Down Under

I Come from a Land Down Under

Now that my future was taking shape, with a job and home decided on, it was time to head back to Australia to arrange for my household to be shipped over.  I wasn’t looking forward to flying 35 hours in each direction, but in the end I didn’t mind it too much.  It was exhausting, and fairly emotional for me, but less frustrating than it often has been. I arrived in Adelaide, and after a recovery day, I found that…

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Flight 93 Memorial

Flight 93 Memorial

Now that I had a new house to look forward to, I needed to fly back to Australia to arrange for my household to be shipped over.  It was easiest to leave out of Nashville, so I headed back down.  On the way, I decided to stop at the Flight 93 Memorial in Pennsylvania.  It was a cold and frosty morning at my camp site in Shawnee State Park.. I couldn’t help thinking as I drove there that this country…

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Autumn in the Adirondack Mountains of New York is always lovely, and while I was in the area I wanted to revisit a few places that I used to enjoy, most particularly the Tahawus area.  The views driving into the mountains are fantastic, but as with most large landscapes, photos don’t really do them justice. Tahawus was a mining town in the 1800s, then became a sporting resort, but today is only a ghost town.  Remnants of the old structures…

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Big Bone Lick

Big Bone Lick

In my travels, I’ve several times driven past signs pointing me to Big Bone Lick State Park, so on my way north for some house hunting I decided to stop for a visit.  In addition to the funny name, it also has a quite interesting history, and is worth looking up.  The Wikipedia page is here: Although small, the museum was interesting, and there were a few excellent fossils, including this mastodon skull discovered there. Harlan’s Ground Sloth, also found…

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The Pumpkin Patch

The Pumpkin Patch

I spent Autumn this year drifting around a bit and getting ready for the next stage of my life — interviewing, accepting a job, and finding a place to live.  But I also took some time to enjoy the fall colors and some of the spookiness of the Halloween season.  In Kentucky I visited a pumpkin patch and farm market with a friend on a beautiful fall day. I was a bit surprised to see the variety of pumpkins available,…

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