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Month: August 2017



I keep surprising myself with how epic this journey has turned out to be.  When I started out I wasn’t really convinced that I’d last 3 months, but I’ve now been travelling for over a year (13 months), and driven nearly 50,000 miles (80,467 km).  And when I visited Rhode Island last week I passed another accidental goalpost — I’ve now visited all 48 contiguous United States on this trip! I call it an accidental goalpost, because I certainly didn’t…

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The Breakers

The Breakers

Having recently been to a lot of beach town on the coast, and not overly interested in seeing more sand, I at first struggled to find something that I wanted to do in Rhode Island.  It seemed to be a lovely state, very green, but with a road system somewhat in need of improvement, and some quite alarming bridges.  I discovered that there were a number of very wealthy families that built their summer homes in Newport, however, so I…

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Plymouth Colony (Alternatively: Between a Rock and an Old Place)

Plymouth Colony (Alternatively: Between a Rock and an Old Place)

I was recently looking back over the map of my journey, and I realized that Rhode Island was the only state in the 48 contiguous United States that I hadn’t visited yet.  Clearly I had to rectify that omission and visit RI!  On my way there from Cape Cod, I decided to make a quick stop to see Plymouth Rock, since it was almost on my route anyway, and ended up spending most of the day there.  Plymouth is a…

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Nantucket and Cape Cod

Nantucket and Cape Cod

Spending time on Cape Cod is a very New England-y kind of thing to do, so since I was in the area I decided to give it a go.  I think I’ve been to the Cape before, but don’t honestly remember when, so I must have been rather young.  I had great plans to go to the beach, visit Provincetown, and chat to people with funny accents from Boston, but I soon realized that it was just far too popular…

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New England Forest Rally (Alternatively: Mmm… Dust)

New England Forest Rally (Alternatively: Mmm… Dust)

A while ago I volunteered to be a worker at the New England Forest Rally (NEFR) as a way to meet people in the rally scene in the US, and at the same time watch the cars.  So on July 19th I showed up as scheduled in the little town of Newry, Maine, and registered at the Sunday River Ski Resort, home base for the NEFR.  I was placed as a Stage Marshal on Stage Team 2, covering stages 1,…

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