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Month: October 2016

The J.F. Kennedy Memorial, Dallas, TX

The J.F. Kennedy Memorial, Dallas, TX

Although Dallas is a huge thriving city, I actually found very little that interested me from a tourist perspective.  It’s probably more of a business canter than a tourist destination.  I did visit the John F Kennedy Memorial there, however.  In remembrance of his assassination in Dallas on November 22, 1963, a memorial has been constructed at the place he was shot. Considering that Kennedy was one of the best known and liked presidents, I expected something quite grand and…

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The Chickasaw Nation

The Chickasaw Nation

While driving south through Oklahoma toward Texas, I was in need of a break, so pulled into the Chickasaw Nation Welcome Center and rest stop.  I wasn’t looking for much, and wasn’t planning to stay long, but the welcome I received there was wonderful.  I was warmly greeted, given a complimentary cup of coffee, and told where I could find everything, including information about the local area.  There was also a gift shop there with items produced by, or related…

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Oklahoma City Bombing Memorial

Oklahoma City Bombing Memorial

I had a rough plan of making my way south to see what Texas was all about, but I thought I’d swing through Oklahoma first, another state that I had never visited and knew nothing about.  I drove across it for hours to reach Oklahoma City, but have almost no pictures to show for it.  It wasn’t that it wasn’t lovely, it actually was a very nice and peaceful landscape of rolling green hills and farms, as well as smaller…

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Cadillac Ranch, on Route 66

Cadillac Ranch, on Route 66

Ok, this is going to be a short post, because I really don’t understand why this is even a thing, and why people would go to see this thing.  Since the route I wanted to take through western Texas and into Oklahoma followed the route of Historic Route 66, I decided to spend some time driving that road, instead of taking the main highways.  It’s mainly made up of scenic by-roads, and really does seem to be a charming and relaxing way…

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Manitou Cliff Dwellings

Manitou Cliff Dwellings

I camped at the foot of Pikes Peak in Colorado, at a place called Manitou Springs.  Nearby was a cliff dwelling site that was a bit different than historical places I’ve visited before.  Although much of the Anasazi dwellings themselves are original, the 40 rooms have been relocated from their original site in McElmo Canyon in southwest Colorado in order to preserve and protect them.  So instead of asking people not to touch the walls, kids and adults are encouraged to climb over…

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