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Month: July 2016

Classic Car Cruise at Sylvan Beach, NY (14July2016)

Classic Car Cruise at Sylvan Beach, NY (14July2016)

Every Thursday night there’s a Classic Car Cruise Night at Sylvan Beach, on Oneida Lake.  If you remember from my Fort Stanwix post, after crossing land at the Oneida Carrying Place, boats were put back on the water at Woods Creek, which runs into Oneida Lake.  From there the water route to the Great Lakes follows the Oneida and Oswego Rivers. I reconnected with my friend Linda while I was here, and since she was going to the cruise, I…

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Fort Stanwix and the Oriskany Battlefield, Rome, NY (12July2016)

Fort Stanwix and the Oriskany Battlefield, Rome, NY (12July2016)

I’d like to introduce you to a bit of the history of my native area, starting with a unique feature of the landscape that made what is now the Rome, NY region critical to westward expansion.  I’ll try to get the details correct in a simplified version of events, but if any of my new ranger friends are reading, please feel free to correct me or add more details in the comments! Rome was founded on an ancient portage, or carrying place, that connected…

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F.X. Matt Brewery, Utica, NY (12July2016)

F.X. Matt Brewery, Utica, NY (12July2016)

On Tuesday I went to the F.X. Matt brewery for a tour.  This brewery makes the Saranac line of beers and sodas, as well as some production for smaller microbrewers who need extra capacity for large runs. Our guide took us first through some displays of the products produced by the brewery over the years, and also portraits of the four generations of the Matt family that have owned and run it, starting with Francis Xavier Matt who founded the business in…

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The Pennsylvania Dutch, Lancaster County, PA (10-11July2016)

The Pennsylvania Dutch, Lancaster County, PA (10-11July2016)

After my disappointment at Hershey, I wanted to avoid the artificial and get back to the real world, so I turned east and drove into Lancaster County, Pennsylvania, in the heart of the Pennsylvania Dutch country.  It’s beautiful, green, and peaceful here, with horse drawn buggies on the roads and lovely farmland all around. I hesitate to say too much about the Amish residents here, as I know very little about their community and can only repeat what I’ve heard, but…

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Hershey Chocolate World, Hershey, PA (10July2016)

Hershey Chocolate World, Hershey, PA (10July2016)

All my life I’ve assumed that Hershey, Pennsylvania was some kind of magical, Willy Wonka-esque place where Oompa Loompas, or maybe even elves, prance around singing songs while concocting varieties of chocolate that just aren’t available anywhere else.  So when I found myself passing nearby, I had to stop for a look.  And, okay, maybe I was thinking of stealing an elf, but only if s/he was tired of chocolate and wanted to go for a ride!  Overall, though, I’d…

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