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Month: July 2016

The View From Hopkins Mountain

The View From Hopkins Mountain

At the end of my last post, I mentioned that I would be vanishing into the Adirondack Mountains for a few days, and I’m happy to report that I’ve re-emerged again, slightly bruised and aching, but grinning from ear to ear. Thanks to the knowledgeable man at The Mountaineer who’s name I didn’t catch, I decided to take the path to Hopkins Mountain, perhaps following on to Spread Eagle Mountain, and then beyond as far as I felt like going. …

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A Northcountry Sampler

A Northcountry Sampler

Someone casually asked me the other day, “So, where’s home?”  I stood there looking confused for a while until I noticed that she was getting uncomfortable, and then blurted out, “It’s complicated!”  Because it is.  I had been used to thinking of home as a house, or at least a set of people that I’m most familiar with, or even a city where I spend most of my time.  But now, when I have no house, I move from place…

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Racing and Relaxing

Racing and Relaxing

I used to be pretty into MotoGP motorcycle racing, but aside from naturally being a fan of Jorge Lorenzo, and wondering how many more years Rossi has left, I really haven’t been paying much attention in recent years.  However, after my harrowing experience getting up and down Mount Washington, I thought it might be nice to be a spectator for a while, so went down to the New Hampshire Motor Speedway in Loudon for the fourth weekend of the Loudon Road Racing Series. …

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My Brakes Held, and So Did My Nerve!

My Brakes Held, and So Did My Nerve!

24 July Update: I don’t know this guy, and the day he went sounds busier than the rainy day I was there, but his description of the road is spot on accurate!  Just imagine me doing this in the rain in a vehicle that is also my home!! —————— In spite of being from the northeast, I had never spent much time in New Hampshire, so was looking forward to today’s drive.  I wanted to explore the White Mountain National…

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Navigation, Frustration, and the Minnehonk Honk

Navigation, Frustration, and the Minnehonk Honk

I’m spending a couple of days alone in my friends’ cabin on Minnehonk Lake, and after the flying start I got to my adventure it’s nice to just relax for a bit.  I think that I’m actually happier and more relaxed now than I’ve been in the last few years.  I eat when I’m hungry, I sleep when I’m tired, I mingle with people when I choose to, and I retreat to be alone when I feel like it.  Nothing…

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